Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Quick and easy

After a few drinks at the Labour in vain after work never really helps to enthuse me to go home and cook a gourmet meal…

I had convinced Chris to join me for a few drinks and it had the same affect on him, he had planned on cooking crepes for dinner, but now like me he couldn’t be bothered!

We went through Safeway on the way home to try and find something easy to cook for dinner. The plan was to find a meat then to find some vegetable matter to have with it… After perusing the meat sections we chose Safeway branded Butter chicken. The chicken was split in half and pre marinaded… perfect.

We got a salad in a bag, added a chopped up avocado and a jar or feta…

Quick, easy, tasty and fairly healthy… Add to that the bottle of sparkling red and you have a very satisfying meal!

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